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Reading Habits Tag

I'm back with my second tag! Of course, no one tagged me but afangirlarchive said "If you want to do this tag, go ahead and consider yourself tagged." So, woohoo.

Welcome to my quirks:

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

I mostly read on my bed, preferably under my snuggie. It's just so comfortable.

I also tend to read on the large couch in the living room. It is long enough to fit my tall self laying down, and it's like being swallowed in fluffness.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?


Random piece of paper. 98% of the time when I start a book I forget to get a bookmark so I use whatever I can. Usually it's either a receipt, flyer, or business card. Right now I'm using my card that reminds me of my OS appointment. At least it guarantees I won't forget it.

I do use bookmarks sometimes, though.

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/ a certain amount of pages?

I tell myself I can stop reading after an "X" amount of pages but it's always a lie. I need to stop after a chapter. Sometimes I can only stop after reaching a specific event, and I never know what that is until I reach it. I'd get to that chapter and feel like it's ok to stop.

I don't understand me sometimes.

4. Do you eat or drink while reading?

Eating? No.

Drink? Yes.

A nice cup of coffee or tea. Or juice. Or whatever my mood calls for.

It's not safe for me to eat around a book. I will 1000% ruin the pages one way or the other. I manage to always ruin my clothes, so books are never safe.

5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?

I'm an actual pro at multitasking at evverything , but this.

I can't.

Literally impossible.

I will definitely get too distracted by them and then end up taking virtually forever to finish the book. The second a song I like comes on, I'm :

6. One book at a time or several at once?

One book at a time. I become so engulfed in the book that I have to read it all, uninterrupted.

My attention span is not strong enough for me to handle multiple books at once.

7. Reading at home or everywhere?

Everywhere, definitely. The most prime times that I read are: at home (when avoiding responsibilities), during the commute to and from college, and before class (also avoiding responsibilities).

I also take books with me whenever I go out to my friend's house, parties, weddings, and vacations. My mom certainly doesn't enjoy the latter.

"Why do you need to get the book? We're going on a boat."

Thanks Mom.

8. Reading out lout or silently in your head?

Silently in my head.

People actually read aloud? Interesting.

I can't read aloud even if I wanted to because the humans in my house will not appreciate it (my sister can't even handle my loud studying). Besides, reading aloud is slower than reading silently.

9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages?

Nope. I can't read pages I haven't reached yet, it drives me crazy.

I do, however, skip pages while reading sometimes if it's a character I hate or something that just completely bores me (aka. drawn out descriptions or irrelevant events).

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

Keep it like new, of course. It pains me to break the spine. I love when my books are in mint condition, even after being read so many times. I try to preserve them as long as possible.

To do that, I read the books in 90 degree angles, page by page. This is literally how I read:

11. Do you write in your books?

Oh definitely not. Whatever I have to write can be written somewhere else. I like to keep books in their natural form of being undisturbed. I'd rather not colonize the pages with irrelevant words.

Maybe if I was talented I would doodle on the sides of the pages, but I'm not. So I don't. (I wish I did though so kudos to all you talented folk)

12. Who do you tag?

I have no friends to tag. I have no bookblog friends (yet). Please be my friend.


Thanks for reading!

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